Pavel Sevyarynets: Today's press conference was inappropriate

Co-Chair of the BCD told Euroradio that by prior arrangement the organizers were supposed to notify them about the Congress on December 1.

"The situation is as follows: today five structures have signed a possible, I repeat- a possible procedure, based on which the Congress of democratic forces can be held. We agreed that since we have take decisions on the scheme consensus minus one, that is, six signatures, rather than five, we will wait until December 1. Until either Mr. Liabedzka or Mr. Kalyakin decide ... So far nothing has been implemented and published. The fact that the gentlemen decided to publish it all - I think it is not quite right," said Pavel Sevyarynets to Euroradio.

The "Agreement on the nomination of a single candidate in the 2015 elections" was presented to the media on 17th November. The unexpected press conference was attended by Yanukevich from BPF, Andrey Dzmitryieu from Tell the Truth, Yuras Hubarevich of the movement For Freedom and Iryna Veshtard from SDPB Gramada.

They reported that the Agreement also agree upon woth the BCD (Pavel Sevyarynets signed it on behalf of the Christian Democrats). Signature of Just World and the UCP are expected. If at least one of these parties agrees to the terms of the agreement by the end of the year, the Congress for the election of a single candidate can take place already at the end of March 2015.

Absence of Pavell Seviarynets at the press conference was explained by his "urgent business". Now Seviarynets promises to soon discuss the situation with his colleagues from BCD.