
Svetlana Alexievich

Svetlana Alexievich

Authors of the rating say that Alexievich's book "makes for an excoriating, eye-opening read."
Collage with a photo of Marc Chagall 

Collage with a photo of Marc Chagall  /

Marc Chagall changed a dozen cities but drew Vitsebsk until his last days.
No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series.

No agreement was reached with the copyright holders of JK Rowling's Harry Potter book series. / Reuters

Reaching an agreement with the rights holders was impossible because Belarus is under Western sanctions.
Natalia Litvinova

Natalia Litvinova /

The jury called it a “luminous, radioactive novel.”
Russian-language program of the Kupala Theater

Russian-language program of the Kupala Theater /

A Russian-language program was printed in the theater, although all performances are in Belarusian.
Andrei Yanushkevich

Andrei Yanushkevich

For exceptional courage in defending the freedom of book publishing.
Valiantsin Yelizarieu

Valiantsin Yelizarieu /

He gave special thanks to his country and its leader
Belarusian woman shot a photo for Vogue website / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio

Belarusian woman shot a photo for Vogue website / Collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio / калаж Улада Рубанава, Еўрарадыё

We will show you other pictures of Daria not yet accepted by Vogue.
Trina Robbins /

Trina Robbins / /

Trina Robbins died in the USA