Valiantsin Yelizarieu leaves Bolshoi Theater of Belarus

Valiantsin Yelizarieu

Valiantsin Yelizarieu /

The artistic director of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre ValiantsinYelizarieu has left his post. He wrote on his Facebook page.

"Today I left the post of artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus, where I have worked since 1973. My greatest creative successes and victories are connected with this theater. I am grateful to destiny that I was able to stand with you at the beginning of the revival of the Bolshoi Theater," the legendary choreographer wrote.

He thanked the staff of the theater and expressed "special love and gratitude" to the audience.

"Special thanks from me to my country and the leader of our country! Thank you for the happiness of many years to create on this stage and the opportunity to be realized here as an artist," he added.

Valiantsin Yelizarieu was born in Baku in 1947. In 1973, at the age of 26, he became the chief ballet master of the Belarusian Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Later he became the director - artistic director of the ballet company.

Thanks to Yelizarieu's work, the Belarusian ballet became famous all over the world. His productions of "Carmen Suite", "Spartacus", "The Creation of the World", "Romeo and Juliet" were very popular. In 1996, Yelizarieu received the title "Best Choreographer of the Year" and the Benois de la Danse Award from the International Dance Association for his choreography of the ballet "Passion (Rahnieda)".

In 2009 the choreographer left the Bolshoi Theater, because after the reconstruction he was offered only the position of the chief choreographer. He himself hoped for the post of director, and the offer was considered an insult. Yelizarieu returned to the theater in 2018 as the artistic director. After the events of 2020, dozens of employees of the theater were dismissed under his leadership, but the maestro did not react to these processes in any way.

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