70 people to be punished for Moscow district Biryulyovo riots

The RIA Novosti news agency informs this with a reference to the Moscow police press-office. Two participants of the mass riots are arrested under criminal suspicion for 48 hours. 70 more people are obliged to appear in court under administrative charges. 300 people have been released after interrogation.

The disturbances in the Moscow district Biryulyovo started at day-time on October 13. About 600 people took the local shopping center "Biryuza', where migrants often get together, by storm.

The participants of the disturbances demanded the authorities should find the murderer of 25-year-old Egor Scherbakov, killed on Wednesday night with a knife right in the eyes of his girlfriend. According to the girl, the attacker who cut Egor with a knife several times was probably a native of Caucasus or Central Asia.

Photo: www.gazeta.ru.