VIP line at People’s Album – Shushkevich, Sannikau and Milinkevich (photo fact)

Шушкевіч, Саннікаў і Мілінкевіч ― віп-шэраг на "Народным альбоме" (фотафакт)

The TV channel Belsat organized the concert People’s Album – 20 years at Białystok Opera House on September 4. The country’s opposition and cultural high society gathered there: Andrei Sannikau, Dzmitry Bandarenka, Natallya Radzina, Stanislau Shushkevich, Mikola Statkevich, Ina Kulei and Alyaksandr Milinkevich.


Interestingly, Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu and his wife were sitting in the gallery together with ‘ordinary’ people.
