Vaitsyushkevich: Everyone just gets by on their own


Taking into account the mythical but powerful “black list” and the cancellation of concerts by a number of Belarusian bands, Euroradio has decided to find out how the musicians are going to give concerts in the future. In Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich’s opinion, the problem has not been solved yet because everyone has to get by on their own.

Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich: "I do not know, cultural departments are nervous now so they will leave it like that as it is traditionally done in Belarus.   We tried to organize a concert in the Palace of Veterans in support of Japan – a Japanese programme (songs from WZ-orkiestra “Moon and Son” – old Japanese songs translated into Belarusian – Euroradio’s note). But they said: “Don’t even try! Why make a concert to cancel it later…” That is why we will be thinking about foreign countries. I think everyone has a fixed idea now: Volski would like to make a trip across Belarus, the Lyapises would like to finish their concerts (in “Reactor” on April 1 and 2 – Euroradio’s note). If the Lyapises’ concert or Volski’s tour are cancelled, we might do something too. At the moment everyone is getting by on their own”.
The director of the “Lyapis Trubetskoi” band Yauhen Kalmykou has confirmed that the band is not planning any actions despite the cancellation of its concerts in Homel and Mahilyou. According to Yauhen, they will make a decision after the concerts in Minsk “Reactor” on April 1 and 2. However, the cancellation of concerts in Belarus is unlikely to affect the Lyapises and playwright Andrei Kyureichyk who mainly works abroad. But he has not been planning to leave forever so far.
Andrei Kureichyk: "I am sure that the distribution will continue, but there may be some obstacles like they may forbid to mention me in the press, but these are trivial details. If the situation continues changing for the worse, I might leave this place. If the officials do not need domestic cultural workers, I will have to follow the example of Brodski, Rastrapovich and Vishnevskaya, Bunin and Nabokov. Lyavon Volski is right…”