Three North Koreans disappear in Minsk (photo)

Citizens of North Korea disappered in Minsk. Three foreigners were working at a construction site. They have not been seen since January 11.

As reported by, citizens of the Democratic People Republic of Korea, Kim Jang-soo, Lee Hyun and Tu-hwan Ron Ho were living in a private house on Balotnaya street. According to police, around 19 pm on 11 January, they left home together. There is still no information about their whereabouts.

Police say that the missing have a common appearance: 50-55 years old, height 165-170 cm, medium build, round face, dark, Central Asian type, straight eyebrows, brown eyes, hair, straight, black, short.

But there are photos of the missing Koreans.

Employees of the Criminal Investigation service at the Partyzanski police department ask anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of the missing persons to call the following telephone numbers: (8-017) 230-83-20, (8-017) 230-34-34. All the calls are private.

Kim Jang-soo

Lee Hyun Tu

Ron Ho Hwang

Photos - and Minsk police