Shapiro: Israel's Ambassadors in other countries must be jealous of me

Your service at the position of an Ambassador of Israel in Belarus is about to finish. How do you estimate the results of your mission yourself: what have you managed to to do, and what still needs to be done?

— I would not want this interview to be a sort of a summarizing conversation. I have been appointed as a General Consul in St.Petersburg, but as this is a new mission, certain administrative moments should take place yet. I will work here for 2 or 3 months, maybe even 4. I will have an opportunity to feel another Belarusian winter. Besides, I don't have any negative emotions in this regard. As for your question, it is difficult for me to give estimations - it won't be totally unbiased.  I think the most important thing we've done is that we've put a start to change of Israel's image in the eyes of Belarusians. 

— Did you have a feeling when you just started working that Belarusians' attitude to Israel is "strange"?

— I think that not everybody in Belarus understands the difference between the Jews and the Israeli and some people think that every Jew is Israeli and every Israeli is Jew. But it's not like that! There are Israelis who are not Jews - 20%. Naturally, they are part of Israel, they are full fledged Israelis. Jews who live in Belarus are Belarusians. They are Jews by nationality, but Belarusians by citizenship, they did not take the citizenship of Israel. They have no connections with Israel, apart from their warm feelings to it as their nation's home. I am not even sure everyone knew that here. It seems to me that misunderstanding connected with this becomes the basis of unwillingness to understand further nuances and take a closer look at Israel or Israeli society. 

— You say yu've managed to change such attitude. Which methods have you used and how complicated it has been? 

— The process still continues. The first method to use to fulfill such tasks is creation of conditions for meetings with Israelis. In the field of culture, sports, politics, journalism - different specialities, so that people could meet Israel through achievements of this country in different spheres. For example, to get familiarized with Israel culture, to buy a book written by Israeli writer, to buy a CD recorded by Israeli musician. I don't think it would be as ordinary for Belarusians as Polish or Russian writers. I think the fact we had no direct connections between our peoples for such a long time has played a rather negative role in the process of mutual recognition. Besides, part of what I'm saying also concerns Israel's attitude to and knowledge of Belarus - there simply has been lack of information. All this has caused discrepancies between the image of Israel in Belarus and the reality.  

The Embassy has organized the Festival of Israeli cinema. What were other actions which helped you in this work?

— Many Israeli Ambassadors in other countries must be jealous of me: there really is the so-called "human bridge" between our countries. And this bridge is very active. It is connected in the first place with the fact that a great and influental Jewish community has existed here for hundreds of years. And more than 150 thousand of former Belarusian citizens now live in Israel. They act as Belarusian ambassadors to Israel and have the warmest feelings to Belarus. This is the basis, on which I organized meetings with Israelis. I can give you lots of examples. Like, it seems absolutely not natural to me when the cinema is full even on the days of the festival when unknown documentary movies are demonstrated. And this was throughout the whole festival! This is the sign of deep interest. We also organized the visit of 9 preachers to Israel. They met with the President of Israel, who, besides, was born in Belarus, which also symbolizes the bridge between the two peoples I'm talking about. Recently we also conducted a photo exhibition "Shadow of Jerusalem", where places form the Bible are shown through the eyes of the Israeli photographer. And they acquire special meaning.  

Which plans you failed to fulfill?

— We are speaking about processes, not separate events, which can be fulfilled or not. And even when we speak on processes, we need to work more in the sphere of business. We haven't managed to strenthen the positions of Israeli business in Belarus. Lots of work still needs to be done. We also have much work to do with the Jewish community which we supervise and the destiny of which worries us. In the political sphere, the process started rather positively, there were several visits at the Ministers level, and the commission on trading-economic cooperation started its' functioning. 

President Lukashenka calls Ahmadinejad his best friend and visits Iran. Does this influence the attempts to build up relations in the political sphere?

— Naturally, Belarus as an independent state has a right to realise its' own geopolitics and foreign policy, basing on its own priorities. No one can interfere in that. However, as a Jew and as an Israeli I cannot say close relations between Iran and any other country make me happy. It's not just political argument between us and Iran - Iran is the only country in the world which openly appeals to demolish the State of Israel - an independent state, a member of the UNO and the international community -  from the UN tribune. Still, many countries have relations with Iran. It is obvious there are certain interests involved. However, we cannot put up with the fact that appeals to demolish Israel or denial there had been Holocaust arise no reaction. We are convinced there should be certain reaction in the circumstances like that. As for Belarus, we don't see such reaction in the majority of cases. This offends us.  

Do Israeli businessmen wishing to work in Belarus ask you for advice and what do you tell them, what do you warn them about?

— Naturally they do. There is an econimic department in the Embassy. We even consider the possibility of involving the Israeli Ministry of Trade and Industry to supervise Belarus as there is a constant increase of interest to Belarus from the side of Israeli business. Besides, the economic department started its work only this year. It happened because we really wanted to develop this branch as it is beneficial for both sides. The problems connected with Belarus originate in circumstances well-known to everyone, like constant changes of legislation, for instance. It is difficult for a foreign investor to get adjusted to quick changes of administrative regulations. There are also advantages, like highly developed human factor, and modern infrastructure - roads, telecommunications. 

To which extent are you interested in political situation in Belarus, in the upcoming elections and things which happen before them?

— Of course we take interest in that, both personally and professionally, and also in the framework of our diplomatic mission. It is always interesting to watch the elections. For me these are the first elections here, and I take deep interest in that. Israel is not as active in observing as CIS or OSCE. However, as a member of a diplomatic corpus, as an Ambassador, as an active person I will closely watch the voting process, the results, and what the media will say about the whole process. We will closely watch the presidential elections which are to take place on December 19.

What do you expect from these elections?

— I will give you a diplomatic response which would not surprise you I think. We hope the wishes of the Belarusian people will come true. We, as a democratic country, will accept the choice made by the Belarusian people.  

Do you watch Belarusian opposition? Are the processes inside it clear to you?

— Naturally, we watch the opposition and meet with its representatives. Probably, not very often. This is a duty of an Ambassador. However, I would not like to give estimation to some internal processes happening in Belarus, as we are even not a member of the organizations which actively work in this field - OSCE, EU or CIS. I meet with people, read analytical articles on this topic - in order to shape my opinion, as objective and well-weighed as possible with regard to Belarus, the destiny of which worries me as a person and as a diplomat. However, I am not going to share my opinion or give any estimations. 

Have there been talks at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel on whether your country will recognize the results of the elections?

— We'll accept any decision of the Belarusian people. I guarantee that. It is very difficult for me to speak about Israel's estimation of political events which will take place in two month, right now. 

Recently there have been a lot of reports in the media that Boris Berezovsky has become a frequent visitor of Belarus. Have you met him here?

— I don't even know whether he has Israeli citizenship! Thus, It's comlplicated for me to comment on that. He never informs me when he comes here, and I have never met him.

What would you say to your successor?

— It's a great honour to be a representative of your country in another state. Belarus is a special country. Thanks to the "human bridge" which exists here due to our common history, common tragedy - the World War II. In 2012 we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the day we revived diplomatic relations. We need to take one more step to strenthening of relations with Belarusian people, in all directions. It's a unique opportunity - to work in your beautiful and interesting country. Trust me, I will miss your people and nature, especially in Summer and Autumn - these are most beautiful seasons. 

Photo: Zmitser Lukashuk