Yermakova:"One needs to dress decently whether they like it or not"

Chair of the National Bank Nadzeya Yermakova appointed a meeting with journalists on October 20 right after the first uniting session at the stock was over. The journalists were dressed in different styles - correspondents of "Euroradio" and "Belarus Today" were wearing sweaters, and the journalist of "Financial News Agency" was even wearing a white T-shirt. However, the "hostess of the ball" was dressed in a classical purple costume. 

“One should dress decently whether they like it or not. I have to spend more money on clothes and footwear than yesterday and the day before yesterday”, — Nadzeya Yermakova said answering the question on how the Belarusian rouble's devaluation influenced her personally. 

Besides, Yermakova came to the press-conference in the ordinary low-heeled shoes. It is known that back in summer, when the newly appointed Chair of the National Bank answered a question whether Belarusians would have to tighten their belts, she said: “Never mind, we'll wear out one pair of footwear instead of two”. This was quoted by the whole Internet. However, Yermakova's shoes did not look worn-out.

The Chair of the National Bank started the conference with an official message to the press.

“The National Bank starts working in the regime of controlled planning of the Belarusian currency. The rate will be established on the ground of offer and demand with minimal interventions of the National Bank, aimed exclusively at limitation of rapid variations of the rate”.

Nadzeya Yermakova announced that she had an ambitious plan to keep the rate of the Belarusian rouble against foreign currencies within the limit of +/-10% despite it all. Alongside with that, there will be no official limitations and 'corridors". Commercial banks will also work with no limits: they are authorized to establish such purchase and sell rates as they consider necessary. There is just one condition:“If the banks do not go mad!”

Nadzeya Yermakova acted confidently. There was an impression that Taras Nadolny - the cleverest "talking head" in the National Bank" in the opinion of users - was invited to the press-conference only "to be extra safe". Yermakova addressed to him just twice: “As for concrete numbers... Taras Yuryevich, please! You did more maths”.

The journalists reminded Yermakova straightaway about the President's words that the dollar would fall down after unification of the stock sessions. The Chair of the National Bank refrained from such strict prognosis:

“We are doing approximate calculations for the period till the end of this year, and for 2012 as well. We would like the Belarusian rouble to stabilize a bit. Approximately, it will be Br 7 000-8 000 for one dollar”.

Besides, the National Bank promises to "hold" the Belarusian rouble without any help of the golden and currency stock. Nadzeya Yermakova also doesn't hope for the credits which Belarus may receive.

Euroradio's correspondent also asked questions to the Chair of the National Bank:

— Mrs. Nadzeya! BELTA news agency informed today that the Belarusian rouble became stronger by 1,25% after getting to the united currency session. So which variant is correct - did it become stronger by 1,25% or did it fall by 52%?

— Well... They missed one word! — answered Nadzeya Yermakova.

In the end of the conference, speaking about the fact that the condition for provision of a credit by the IMF was political prisoners' release, she said her first joke. Or was it really a joke?

“The last session of their board of directors was held in the written form. They expressed their opinions, also about the Belarus issue. Almost everyone had a demand to release political prisoners. This is not the National Bank's fantasy. This is a concrete infoormation and no one hides it - political prisoners should be released. But they do not want it.”.

Photo: Pavel Sviardlou