Western modern dance theatres interested in cooperation with Belarusians

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The beloved "D.O.Z.SK.I." and Polish guests - "Zawirowania" – have organized a joint performance: “Nothing in common”, “Low frequency” and “Intimacy”.

"Nothing in common"

Wlodzimierz Kaczkowski, director of the international modern dance festival “Zawirowania”, has known the theatre "D.O.Z.SK.I." for a long time – the Belarusians have taken part in his festival in Poland many times. He has arrived in Minsk to show “Intimacy” to Belarusians. He is also interested in the current development of "D.O.Z.SK.I." and is hoping to continue working with Belarusians:

“They gave their first performance 5 years ago in Poland, - says Wlodzimierz Kaczkowski. – Then I organized a day of Belarusian drama in Poland with the theatres "D.O.Z.SK.I." and “Karakuli” from Minsk. I can see that "D.O.Z.SK.I."  is making new things. This genre is still developing here and it is interesting to watch new people coming and new viewers getting used to it”.


"Low frequency"

According to Mr. Kaczkowski , the performance “Intimacy”  the Poles have brought to Belarus is a typical performance of "Zawirowania". That is why the Poles have decided to use it to start getting acquainted with our viewers:

“I wanted to show the typical part of our dance there. We wanted to establish a good connection with the audience; we did not want to make anything new. This is a story about a man and two women who want to make him standard, they want him to be different but he is exhausted”.

Actors of Polish "Zawirowania" have prepared to perform the song “Yas mowed down the clover” especially for the performance in Belarus. The protagonist sings this song during one of the acts.

“Yes, we have prepared it on purpose, - laughs Wlodzimierz. – The thing is a Slovak actor was in the first cast and he sang a Slovak song. And we decided to sing a Belarusian song in Belarus”.



Meanwhile, both theatres are working on a series of master classes that will end with a final performance for all the interested dancers and people professionally involved with dancing.
The director of "Zawirowania" has expressed a hope that this cooperation is only the beginning of further work in this direction. The things Wlodzimierz Kaczkowski can see during the master classes allow expecting the Belarusian dance to develop rapidly.



Producer of "D.O.Z.SK.I." Zmіtser Zaleskі


“I think that they are developing very quickly. However, there is no modern dance market here. There are no theatres with established stages here, etc. But the performances of  D.O.Z.SK.I." or “Karakulі” are very interesting! This is modern dance on a level where dancers experiment a lot. They are bored with normal dancing. They are mastering their technique to show that they do not only dance, that it is a worldwide movement. Modern dance is not only the theatre, it is a trend of artists’ development. They do not only speak, they express their feelings with the help of their bodies”.