How to find out whether signatures belong to one person?

"Signature lists have been examined by two groups of criminalists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who have found out that some of the dates were written by one person. It is impossible! Our people are experienced, and this is not the first election campaign for them. We will appeal the decision. I am sure that it is contrary to fact", — says Yuras Melyashkevich, head of Alyaksandr Milinkevich's initiative group.

There is only one way out - the people whose signatures have been nullified should be summoned. But the election commission has not shown the signatures and nobody knows who the people are.

Candidates have three days to appeal the decision in the CEC.

The signatures collected by Syarhei Salash for a local election in 2003 were nullified for the same reason Milinkevich's signatures have been rejected now. Salash complained about it in court, people confirmed their signatures but... he was not registered as a candidate anyway.

Mikalai Lazavik has told Euroradio that a party representative came to complain the other day. The district commission nullified his signatures because the dates were written by members of his initiative group which violated the law.

Members of Alyaksandr Milinkevich's initiative group claim that every person wrote the date on their own. However, experts from the Ministry of Internal Affairs refute it.

Euroradio has found out that the results of such analysis are usually accurate but there can be no 100% guarantee.