Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich to be released early?

"They asked my Dad and me whether we object that Zmitser Dashkevich would live with us," the political prisoner's wife wrote on the social networks.

Leader of the unregistered organization "Young Front" is supposed to be released on August 28. In March 2011, he was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment in a minimum security colony allegedly for hooliganism. Last year, Dashkevich got an additional term of imprisonment in Hlybokaye colony for "malicious disobedience to the demands of the colony's administration".

"Such early phone call may be a sign of early release, - Nasta Dashkevich tells in a comment to BelaPAN. - On the other hand, it can mean nothing at all. If they told about Statkevich, who is to stay in prison for a long time, then we could speak about warming of the relations with Europe."