Noise MC: Beating of presidential candidates is a horrible hamism!

A musician whose name is associated with social protest in Russia expresses his astonishment with regard to the brutal dispersal of the action on December 19, but confesses he sees no alternative to "squares".
Noize MC: I was sincerely astonished... We have got used to many things at our post-soviet territory. But when even presidential candidates are beaten and then arrested right in the hospital... This is an absolute nonsense, a horrible hamism!

 What do you think can make a person give such an order - to beat people?

Noize MC:
 This is clear - the fear to lose power. And also the desire to stick to his rights to the maximum. Just this. 

I am convinced this action could have been stopped not so brutally as it happened. It would look much more human in such case. I think, Lukashenka might obtain some majority of votes, objectively. Some healthy majority, like 30%. He could have conducted a second round etc. He shouldn't have done it this way even if he wanted to keep his power so much. If we are speaking about big evil and smaller evil, he could have made it at least look human. 

Euroradio: The police are not too polite with you either...

Noize MC:
 ...And they have no right for that.

Euroradio: Should people come out to squares during events which are important for their country? Or should they try and find other ways to solve problem?

Noize MC: Honestly, I don't know. On the one hand, we see that all the attempts to come out to the square are severely punished. We see that in your country it became a madness... Such demonstartions are not so brutally dispersed in Russia, but they are dispersed. On the other hand - it is unclear if there is any alternative to "squares". I mean if you just sit at home writing about your dissatisfaction in the Internet - nothing will come out of it. 

Euroradio: You often react to socially important events by songs and lyrics. Do you plan to write a song about what happened in Minsk on December 19?

Noize MC: I don't monitor the news trying to find topics to write songs about. What happened in Minsk is absolutely horrible. This is why I signed under the Russian musicians' petition. Nevertheless, I am a creative person, not a machine for producing xenophobic comments.