Movement for Freedom calls to update national security concept

The move is triggered by the developments in neighboring Ukraine, Moverment for Freedom activists said. In commens for Euroradio, Movement for Freedom leader Aliaksandr Milinkevich noted that the current national security concept was inherited from the Soviet Union and treats the West as the only source of threat.

Milinkevich: "No doubt, this is difficult in the conditions of economic dependancy of Belarus on Russia. But the national security concept should be above public perceptions, because society may not realize the danger quickly by the elites should. The national security concept should not be tied to economic dependancy, either.Therefore, we reckon a threat from the East should be also be envisaged in the national security concept."

According to Milinkevich, Belarusization of the armed forces will not require a huge effort, because Belarusian military dictionaries have been in place since 1990s. He is confident soldiers should be brought up using the role models of Belarusian generals and military heroes.

The Movement for Freedom also streesed in the appeal that it is ready to assist the Belarus military with visual aides and educational workshops.
