Ministry of Justice to make decision about BCD registration soon (video)

The Belarusian Christian democracy party held a congress and applied for registration in the Ministry of Justice on July 13.

The officials did not give any answer regardless of the fact that they had to do it within a month. Co-leader of the BCD steering committee Heorhi Dzmitruk phoned deputy head of the non-commercial organizations department Alyaksei Pechkurou on August 14. Officials were making the founders of the party refuse from signatures, he claimed.

No political parties have been registered in Belarus for a few years, Pechkurou admitted. The party’s documents have been considered but no decision has been made so far, he added. The answer will not be announced before August 18, the official said.

Pechkurou: "When the Ministry of Justice makes its decision, we will report it to the founders within five days. It means that 13+5 is August 18.”