Kiev: UN peacemakers can control Ukraine-Russia border

The Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council decided to ask the UN to send peacemakers to Donets Basin on February 18. The UN mission should be placed between the Ukrainian troops and militants in Donets Basin and in the spots along the Ukrainian-Russian border controlled by militants. The spots are used by Russia for arms supplies and bringing troops and military equipment to the Ukrainian territory, SBU press sectary Alexander Turchinov said.

The battles near Debaltsevo and Mariupol where militants keep attacking Ukrainian soldiers may be ‘chronic’, he noted. “UN peacemakers may help prevent Russia from speculating on it and they may also help avoid provocations,” UNIAN quotes Turchinov.  

Pacemakers would help register violations of Minsk agreements too, Ukraine thinks. The Ukrainian MFA is preparing an appeal to the UN and EU and is going to ask UN peacemakers to come to Ukraine. The appeal has to be approved by the Verkhovna Rada first.

An EU police mission is the best format of bringing peacemakers to Ukraine, President Petro Poroshenko announced yesterday.

Photo: Reuters, UNIAN