Chagall in Belarus?

"There are over 330 original Chagall's drawings in our collection. And there are no paintings in Belarus," Vitsebsk Marc Chagall Museum told Euroradio.


"There were no Chagall's paintings at the exposition in Minsk National Art Museum either. However, there were gouache paintings. "Belgazprombank" bough a few for Belarus. The painter was born in Belarus and lived here until he turned 20. And there were no Chagall's artworks at all in Belarus until recently.

Some Chagall's paintings may be found in private collections. But nobody knows about them. The exposition consisted of drawings from private collections, museums, the bank collection and three artworks from Vitsebsk.

"Dead Souls", Vitsebsk Museum

"Flying Floating Lovers", Tretyakov State Gallery