"Brest Fortress" to be shown in Minsk during election

Belarusian cinemas have finally started showing the famous movie "Brest Fortress". The premiere has already taken place in Vitsebsk, Barysau, Hrodna. Soon the movie will be demonstrated in Mahileu and Homel. The deputy head of the administration on cinema production registration Uladzimir Hlusker has informed ERB about it. According to him, the main show will start only next week. 
"They show it tomorrow in Mahileu, they showed it on November 21 in Vitsebsk, on November 22 - in the "Red Star" cinema in Hrodna, and will show it on November 23 in Homel region - the premiere in Dobrush- and on November 25 there will be the main premiere in Homel, Brest region, namely, Pinsk. There also was a premiere in Barysau on November 21. The premiere is taking place now, and the main show will mostly start next week".
The movie's Minsk premiere will take place only on December 16, says the head of the 
"Cinema-Video Distribution" Vasil Koktysh:
"We plan to start the film exhibition on December 16 with three copies - in "October", "Moscow" and "Belarus" cinemas, and then in all the other Minsk cinemas".
The film will be shown on all the screens of the capital, apart from 3D ones - the representatives of the  film distribution service had a negative experience of showing the films which had been transferred from ordinary format to 3D, so they decided not to do it anymore, Koktysh says.
Vasil Koktysh: "We will only show those movies which were originally made in the 3D format, not adapted to it, on 3D screens".
The copies of the movie were handed out to the cinemas on Friday, November 19. Euroradio has asked the deputy head of cinema and video art administration of the Ministry of Culture Aliaksej Biazuhly why the show starts only in a week.
"It was to some extent unexpected. All the cinemas made their repertoire plans. Naturally, they signed agreements with the counteragents who presented the films, that the films would be lent at a certain time and it is not that easy to break this. I think it will be settled till the end of this week or the beginning of the next week. Yesterday I was at the meeting with the representatives of the film distribution service and they told me the premiere had already taken place in some cities".
There are much more films in Minsk film distribution service so it was far more complicated to stuff "Brest Fortress" into it: film lending agreements with copyright holders are signed a month before the show. Thus the premiere in Minsk will coincide with the election time: on the day of pre-term voting and 3 days before the main election day.
As for Brest, the film will be shown there on December 3 instead of November 26 as it was planned before - the representatives of the film distribution service were afraid the copies would again be not ready and they would have to postpone the show again, so they decided not to risk.