Belarus to go through UN Universal Periodic Review

Belarus will go through the Universal Periodic Review on May 4. The procedure will be organized at the 22nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The representatives of the Belarusian government will give account for the fulfillment of the recommendations pronounced to our country in May 2010.

There were 93 recommendations concerning the human rights situation. The Belarusian government announced 55 of them to be acceptable. The state report sent to the UN Human Rights Council reflects the government’s official position as regards the fulfillment of these recommendations.

29 alternative reports prepared by NGOs and international structures including the BAJ, BHC, Legal Initiative and the unregistered centre Viasna will also be made there.

Mihail Hvastou will represent Belarus in Geneva and answer the questions of the UN Human Rights Council. The violations of human rights in Belarus after the presidential election 2010, death penalty abolishment, investigation of opposition politicians’ disappearance, freedom of speech and other issues will be on the agenda of the Universal Periodic Review.