ZorkiText 2011: Russian rock in Belarusian club

At first it seemed that the idea of the contest of the best lyrics of the Belarusian rock music with a concert ZorkiText 2011 was a failure. “Silver Wedding”, “Lyapis Trubetskoi” and “Loop of Predilection” won the contest and four other little known bands were invited to the concert.

You will get to know how it happened, whether such a famous person as Fyodar liked the concert, how the stage of R-club turned into a ring where Mahilyou and Minsk musicians started their competition on Euroradio’s website and on air soon. Here is our photo report about the concert ZorkiText 2011. It resembled the out match of Mahilyou “Dnyapro” in the capital… It will be discussed later.

Yulіya Lіzh, editor of ZorkiBlog.by


Ales Kamotski, member of the jury

Finalists (there were 12 of them) being awarded



Experts of ZorkiBlog: Svyatlana Ben’s lyrics are the best


More than 200 viewers. Many people came from Mahilyou

Speaking about the winner, only Benka appeared on the stage of R-club. She got a diploma and a teddy bear! Illya Charapko-Samahvalau from “the Loop” explained his absence by a tour and I think that everyone understands why Syarhei Mihalok did not come. After the prizes had been awarded, the Hrodna band “Some lack of buttons” began the concert.


"Some lack of buttons"








"Boulevard " (Minsk). The letter “yer” in the name of the band looks as senseless as it is at the end of the word “Bulbash”



"You are so tempting and inaccessible, // like a dream of an onanist with a broken arm”. “Boulevard” was 6 out of 12 at the contest ZorkiBlog 2011.




Just like football



"Curled up nearby”









Bonus: video of "Fool's Heart"...



...and their new song "January":
