Zmitser Vaistyushkevich turns 40!

Friends are sending greetings to the artist on Euroradio now.

Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich will celebrate his 40th anniversary on July 20. Traditionally, the singer gives a solo concert on his birthday; however, he is still doubtful as regards this year’s happening. Nevertheless, everyone can congratulate Vaitsyiushkevich: a great concert organized by Zmitser and WZ-orkiestra will be given in Shabli on July 23. By the way, the orchestra headed by the hero of the occasion will also celebrate its 10th anniversary this way.

Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich: “It will be warm on July 23 so it’s worth coming. There is nothing to do in town and there is something to do in Shabli. We have never tried to surprise anyone for 10 years. We just gave good concerts. And it will be the same this year”.
Euroradio has talked to Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich’s friends and asked them to send their greetings to the hero of the occasion. The leader of the band “Palats”, Aleh Hamenka, considers Vaitsyushkevich to be his “second cousin if not a brother”: the musicians are good friends and share sorrow and joy.

Aleh Hamenka: “I am very grateful to Dzima for what he did in “Palats” and I am happy about his solo career. It is excellent! I think that it is the right thing. He did not follow my advice every time. Dzima has done a lot on his won and there were moments when I said that it could not be done and he said that it could. That is why I follow his example in some cases. On the other hand, I feel my responsibility and I am very happy that he has reached this age (laughs)”.
Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu - poet, Vaitsyushkevich’s friend and co-author of the album “Tango with a Rose” -also thanks Dzima for how easy it is to work with him.

Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu: “I cannot think of how long I have been working in the field called “song composition”, but it’s been a long time. And all the time, for many long years I have been writing lyrics to music. The work is very hard, time-consuming and exhausting. The more emotional the composer is, the more exhausting it is. But Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich was the first musician, composer and singer who exempted me from it. He took my verses and composed music for them. Then he came and showed me what he had done. That fact alone made me think that Zmitser Vaitsyushkevich was our best singer, musician and composer”.