Would our pop-stars agree to sing for Br 14.800?

"Naturally I would agree!" — Alyaksandr Saladukha is ready to fly to London right now. The singer did not watch the Olympics closing ceremony due to a very important reason - he was writing a new song. "I was writing a new song, but I saw some fragments - it was really a mega-show!".

Vocalist of Litesound Zmitser Karakin thinks that the Br 14.800 payment is humiliating and refuses to sing on such terms.

"No, such payment is ridiculous and humiliating. There are, for exampleе, charity events, which are interesting by their ideas, and I can sing free of charge at such events. But when the payment is 14 thousand roubles - this is not even 2 dollars…"

However, everything changes when Zmitser finds out that we are speaking about singing at the Olympics. 

"Aaaah! No, we would even pay for an opportunity to sing there, this very 1 pound!"

Frontman of the band "Bezbileta" Vital Artyst would not sing for 1,5 dollars either. 

"This should be considered substantively. I said no spontaneously. May be this would be great in fact, we would be able to support everyone! You'd better call us during the Olympics and we will take a decision. Maybe we get so rich by 2012 that we could do a lot of free performances".

"Experienced" musicians look at their young colleagues-maximalists with a smile. Like, are these events really meant to earn money? — Anatol Yarmolenka wonders.

"I sing at numerous events free of charge. What is the payment, you say? 14.800? Of course I would sing there, I would even refuse from payment. To sing at such a holiday! I hope that the World Cup will take place in our country in 2014. I would be happy to participate in such event!"

Frontman of the band "Palace" Aleh Khamenka thinks that they paid symbolic money for singing at the Olympics because of a superstition.

Having contemplated on various superstitions, Aleh Khamenka agreed for a free performance. 

Unfortunately, Euroradio failed to reach Iryna Darafeyeva by phone. It looks like mobile communication does not work in every field.