Villagers protest against swine liquidation in Byaroza district (photo)

Local officials also came, including Deputy Chairperson of Byaroza district executive committee Danuta Hardzeyeva. The officials from Brest and representatives of the district and the regional Prosecutor's Office ignored their invitations.

The people demanded abolishment of the decision of the Byaroza district executive committee of liquidation of swine at private farmsteads in 17 villages that got into the 5-kilometers zone around the small villages of Sashytsa and Khoiniki, before August 15. If not, they wanted termination of the decision in order to get an opportunity to appeal it in the higher instances, like the regional executive committee, the Prosecutor's Office and the courts.

According tot he information provided by the website, the people found no support in the local officials that did come. They demanded the villagers should obey the decision first and then appeal it. They promised to convey the people's demands, indicated in the protocol of the assembly, to the district authorities.

The people made their minds to defend their property, as swine breeding helps most of them to survive between the pensions or the Br 1,5 mln salaries.

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