Vasil Bykau’s relative creates construction company for Belarusians in Russ

Mikalai Bykau is a former serviceman. He graduated from Vilnius Military College and served all over the Soviet Union and abroad. However, his ancestors lived in Usha District.

"I lived in Verhnyadzvinsk District. We are distant relatives of a famous writer Vasil Bykau. However, we never contacted with him. That is why I cannot say I knew him well. But I know all his works. We studied them at school”.

Bykau has a number of companies in Saint Petersburg now. One of them is Asveya Construction Company named in honour of Asveya, a town in Vitsebsk Province.

"I had to live where I was. I conduct my business in the place I retired. It is more difficult to do it in Belarus. There are no economic indicators necessary to transfer a business there”.

Many Belarusians work at Mikalai Bykau’s enterprises. Most of them are people who lost their jobs at home and went to work in Russia to feed their families.

"I help Belarusians settle here. They make more money for 2 or three months of work here then they could make in Belarus for over a year.  A lot of progressive young people have left. Many Belarusians work abroad. I have a lot of Belarusians working at my enterprise. It is not that big but about 300 Belarusians work here – it’s about 70% of employees”.

Bykau’s relatives also work in the administration of the company. The principle is to help our own people, says the entrepreneur.

But rather many Belarusians work at enterprises not run by Belarusians. At the same time it has become more difficult to settle in Russia now. Uzbeks and Tajiks are very competitive as they can be paid lower wages.

"It is more difficult for Belarusians to find a job. We pay one sum to Belarusians and a different sum to Uzbeks”, - says Mikalai Bykau.

A presidential contender Ryhor Kastusyou works for the company too.

Ryhor Kastusyou: "He gives an opportunity to work to Belarusians who lost their jobs in Belarus. I think it is very patriotic. He helps our people survive in this difficult political and economic situation”.

By the way, Bykau is ready to transfer his business to Belarus and says that if everything changed here, the country could roll in money. The most important thing is the investor should understand that the investment climate and laws will remain the same even if the President and the government change.

"If you change the tax system and make it clear – I know way how to help the country roll in money. Russia does not need it: it has oil and gas. They just do not need middle-class. But it is needed here and it can only be created with the help of small and medium enterprises. I am ready to invest everything here if something changes”.

They got acquainted with Kastusyou due to civil activities many years ago. Bykau was the head of the Association of Belarusians in Saint Petersburg and was in the Union of the Right Forces that cooperated with the BNF Party back then.

"Ryhor Andreyevich is my deputy for economic affairs in Asveya Construction Company. There is no need to stay there all the time but it is necessary to solve a number of issues. For example, signing important agreements he decided I should approve”.

Asveya Construction Company builds high-rise buildings, cottage communities and trade and entertainment centres in Russia, Ukraine and some European countries.