UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus Miklós Haraszti publishes his report

This is stated in the report submitted by Special Rapporteur on the situation in Belarus Miklós Haraszti to the UN Human Rights Council. According to BelaPAN, the report is planned to be considered during the Council's 23rd session, which will take place on May 27 - June 14 in Geneva.

Miklós Haraszti notes that the situation with political prisoners rises deep concern. He evaluates their confinement conditions inappropriate, sometimes even tortures.

Also, the Belarusian authorities are recommended to eliminate all obstacles that prevent the public non-governmental organizations and the opposition parties from participation in the political life of the country.

The official Minsk is also recommended to publish detailed information about the executed death sentences and introduce the death penalty moratorium immediately.

Miklós Haraszti recommends to investigate the cases of violent disappearance of several Belarusian politicians and journalist Zavadzki, deprivation of licenses and harassment of the lawyers who defended the "Dec.19 case" participants, and to guarantee the full independence of the court system and the judges in Belarus.

The report also contains a recommendation to re-consider and adopt the legislation which will "protect peaceful gatherings, including spontaneous actions".

Haraszti also turns attention to the fact that he wasn't provided an opportunity to visit Belarus and study the situation at the spot. The Belarusian authorities refused to cooperate with him.