Tsikhanovich "Decision on Eurovision was taken "from the above"

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The TV-Channel "ANT" chose our country's representative at the Eurovision song contest for the last two years. The musicians were selected by closed voting on the basis of an unknown list. However, neither Anastasia Vinnikava, nor the band "3+2", chosen this way, managed to achieve the expected results. "3+2" got only several points and were on the 24th place out of 25, while Vinnikava failed to get to the finals at all. Eurovision was returned to the Belarusian Television after two unsuccessful years.

"The decision was taken "from the above" - probably, the audition held at "Eurofest" was more democratic", – thinks Alyaksandr Tsikhanovich, and adds that he watched over the auditions for the last two years, looking for mistakes. As a result, he plans no changes in the "Eurofest" organizational moments. 

Alyaksandr Tsikhanovich: "I think that nothing new will be introduced with regard to organization and conducting of the audition, there will just be slightly different terms. I mean accepting applications and conducting the final. As for preparation of a musician - we will take into consideration all our previous flaws and will do our best to improve it. The team will definitely be an international one, there's no doubt about it. Time will show whom we'll find necessary for us, we'll see".

Applications for participation in the Eurofest will be accepted on November 5-25. Everything will be held in three stages, as before.

Alyaksandr Tsikhanovich: "Semi-final, final, as usual, and the first audition for the semi-final. There will also be voting of the TV-audience, and the jury. Maybe some changes will be introduces later, but everything is like at the Eurovision so far - TV-audience and the jury. The jury will be composed of professional musicians and performers, according to the demands of the European Broadcasting Association".

Detailed information about the audition for "Eurovision-2012 will be published at the web-page of the Belarusian State TV and Radio Company www.tvr.by in a couple of days. The contest will take place on May 22-26 in the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku.