Traffic police: Photo radars help cut moving violations by half

Photo-radars appeared at Minsk belt road in the end of October. They plan to install them in the Independence Avenue as well. The traffic police boast in an interview to the newspaper Republic that the cameras decreased the number of offences twice. 

Driver Syarhei, who travels along the Minsk-Brest highway, where the photo-radars have worked for 4 months by now, has told Euroradio that there are not many Belarusians who break the traffic movement rules at this highway. The guests from Russia break the rules more often. 


"I wouldn't say that Belarusians exceed the speed limit that much. Ususally the Russians do this. As for Belarusians... the speed limit is rather high there - 120 kilometers per hour. I haven't met many mad riders". 

It is interesting that the photo-radars cannot fine the foreigners. The system is not capable of doing this so far – there is no database of foreign and transit road numbers.

The driver says he hasn't noticed any radical changes after installation of photo-radars at Brest highway. 

There already appeared tips how to hide your number from the camera at the automobilists' forums. They suggest special films, and frames for the numbers which radiate invisible waves, unseen for the radar. However, it turned out that all these tips were in vain, after testing at the practice ground. The photo-radars (made in France, by the way) are completely secure at recording speed limit offences.