Archaeologists discover 11th century cemetery on Menka River

Excavations on the Menka River

Excavations on the Menka River /

Archaeologists have discovered a cemetery from the 11th century in the settlement on the Menka River (Minsk Region), Sputnik reported. It was located within the city walls. This could mean that there was a church nearby (not far from the entrance to the settlement from the western side). According to archaeologist Andrei Vaytsiakhovich, the find came as a surprise. Burials near the temple were status symbols, and only representatives of the local elite, the same priests, could be buried there.

Vaytsiakhovich believes that the settlement on the Menka River was the oldest Christian church in the region. It will be quite difficult to locate it, as it was most likely made of wood.

This year, scientists finally agreed on the original location of Minsk. It is a settlement on the Menka River in the Minsk district. Large-scale archeological researches conducted there since 2023 have shown that at the end of the X century there was a real city, which "died out" in the XII century. It is planned to create a museum complex on Menka. 

На Менцы археолагі знайшлі могілкі XI стагоддзя
На Менцы археолагі знайшлі могілкі XI стагоддзя
На Менцы археолагі знайшлі могілкі XI стагоддзя

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