Sevyarynets: They refused to tell me my labour destination

The co-leader of the steering committee for the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, Pavel Sevyarynets, will serve his sentence in Vitsebsk Province. The penalty execution department of Vitsebsk Pershamaiski District Department of the Interior informed him about it on August 8. Let us remind you that Pavel Sevyarynets was convicted for participation in the Square and sentenced to three years of penal labour in spring.

Euroradio has interviewed Pavel Sevyarynets and asked him about the details of the conversation.
Sevyarynets: “I was invited to go through the formal procedure – fingerprinting, photography, filling in the questionnaire. They informed me that I would serve my sentence in Vitsebsk Province. The decision has already been made in Minsk but they have not received the papers yet. So they refused to tell me my exact destination. The final deacon will be announced this week”.
Euroradio: Do you have any ideas about your destination? Are you likely to be sent to the penal labour camp you served your previous sentence in?

Sevyarynets: “They say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place but anything can happen... It may be Navapolatsk, Polatsk, Miyory, Rasony District, Plyatstsitsy, a few spots near Vitsebsk – but it is unlikely because their aim is to send me far from home”.

Euroradio: What kind of penal labour will it be? Did they tell you anything about it?

Sevyarynets: “They didn’t. But penal labour usually involves some production like the forest in Maloye Sitna, collective farms or building sites. Penal labour used to involve occupational hazard but it is just physical labour now”.

Euroradio: What are you planning to do while serving this sentence, are you going to write a new book?

Sevyarynets: “I have to finish my novel and that will be my pastime. Naturally, I will write letters, I receive a lot of letters now and I send a lot to political prisoners too. If they allow me to use my cell phone, I will be able to use the Internet. I will try to help my colleagues with party affairs in this case. Of course, penal labour will take up most of my time there”.

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