Russia indignant at Yatsenyuk’s words about WWII Soviet intervention

Russians are indignant at Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s statement made in his interview with ARD. Yatsenyuk said that Russia ‘was trying to rewrite the results on the WWII’, RIA Novosti reports.

"The Russian aggression in Ukraine is an attack on the world and European order. We all remember the Soviet intervention into Germany and Ukraine. We should prevent it. Nobody has the right to rewrite the results of the WWII. But Russian President Valdimir Putin is trying to do it,” RIA Novosti quotes the Ukrainian PM.

Russian mass media are misinterpreting the PM’s words, Ukrainian Pravda reports. Some editions are writing that Yatsenyuk was speaking about some Russian attack on Germany on June 22, 1941. In reality, the Ukrainian PM was speaking about the threat of Russia’s intervention into Europe. The threat is real, Yatsenyuk reckons.

Photo: UNIAN
