Zmitser Dashkevich to stay in colony for one more year

Zmitser’s fiancée Nasta Palazhanka has informed Euroradio about it.

Palazhanka: “He has been sentenced to 12 months of imprisonment. This is the maximum term and it starts today. He will be released on August 28, 2013… Zmitser refused from a lawyer because he knew that the charges were trumped-up and that the hearing was absolutely illegal”.

According to Palazhanka, Dashkevich did not agree with the court’s decision but is not going to appeal it because he thinks that it is senseless.

But for the today’s trial, the political prisoner could be released in December 2012. Let us remind you that the leader of the Young Front was detained on the eve of the presidential election in 2010. The guy was accused of malicious hooliganism.