Zmitser Dashkevich imprisoned for 2 years, Edward Lobau – for 4

Moscow District Court has sentenced Zmitser Dashkevich to 2 years in a colony and Edward Lobau – to 4 years in a top-security prison.


Judge Alena Shylko has decided that “the hooliganism” of the Young Front members has been proved. Let us remind you that the prosecutor asked to imprison Dashkevich for three years and Lobau – for five years in a top-security prison.

The guys were accused of “hooliganism”. It was said that they had beaten citizens Malyshau and Savitski on December 18. Dashkevich and Lobau claim that it was an organized provocation.


The guys smiled when they heard the sentence. It was clear that they had not expected anything else. Dashkevich and Lobau’s relatives were crying in the court room…


The court’s decision may be appealed within 10 days.


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