Zmitser Dashkevich celebrates anniversary in punishment cell

Nasta Palazhanka has visited Horki colony to congratulate Zmitser Dashkevich on his 30th anniversary today. However, the girl has learnt unpleasant news instead of meeting him and has listened to numerous insults pronounced by A.Kavalyou, the head of the colony.

Mr.Kavalyou did not allow Natsa to meet Zmitser Dashkevich and told her that she was not Zmitser Dashkevich’s relative. The conversation was conducted in the presence of 4 men – representatives of the colony administration. None of them took the girl’s side. Having met another employee of the colony in the corridor accidentally, Nasta Palazhanka found out that Zmitser Dashkevich was in the punishment cell. He will leave it only on July 25.

Let us remind you that today is the political prisoner’s birthday. Zmitser has turned 30.