Zmitser Dashkevich to be transferred from Zhodzina to Minsk on February 23

Zmitser Dashkevich will be transferred to the pre-trial detention center No. 1 at Valadarski Street in Minsk on February 23 from Zhodzina prison, "Narodnaya Volya" informs.

Let us remind you, that the case of Zmitser Dashkevich - a Chairman of the "Young Front" (registered in Czech Republic) - was passed to the Maskouski district court of Minsk. Zmitser told this to his father during their meeting in prison on February 20.

Zmitser Dashkevich was arrested on December 18, before the Dec.19 action. 2 days before this he informed via skype that he was in a rented apartment as he didn't want to be arrested right after he went out to the street, as the authorities would obviously wish to isolate him before the protest action. A day before his arrest he informed that the apartment was blocked - unknown people in plain clothes kept watching the entrance. Later Zmitser informed he would try to reach Kastrychnitskaya Square together with his friends and that was his last message. It became known later that Zmitser Dashkevich and Edward Lobau were arrested some minutes after they had left the apartment. Several people approached them at the street and a fight started. Now those people are referred to as casualties in the criminal case.