Young Front marks 15th anniversary today

The Young Front is an international organization registered in the Czech Republic now. The association tried to be registered in Belarus several times. Five members of the Young Front were convicted for membership in an unregistered organization in 2007 - Nasta Palazhanka, Zmitser Hvedaruk, Aleh Korban, Alyaksei Yanusheuski and Barys Haretski.

The first leader of the Young Front, Pavel Sevyarynets, is one of the founders of the Belarusian Christian Democracy and a political prisoner now. The current head of  the organization, Zmitser Dashkevich, was arrested before the presidential election in 2010 and convicted on charges of petty hooliganism.  The political prisoner stood an additional trial at the end of August 2012 and his term of imprisonment was prolonged by 12 months.

The celebration of the anniversary of the Young Front will be organized in the office of the BPF (Charnysheuski Street, 3) at 5.30 p.m. today.