Why didn’t Kanavalau’s mother speak in court?

Dzmitry Kanavalau’s parents appeared in court for the first time. He is accused of terrorism and is the principal. Each of them hardly spent a minute in the court room.
Kanavalau’s brother was summoned first and he immediately refused to witness.
— How are you related to Kanavalau?
— He is my brother.
— The court would like to explain that you have the right to refuse to witness against your close relative Dzmitry Kanavalau. Do you agree to witness?
— I don’t.
The young man left the court room quickly without looking at the dock.

One could think that Kanavalau’s parents did not attend the hearings to give evidence later. Lyubou Ivanauna – Uladzislau Kavalyou’s mother – attends the hearings every day and she has confessed to Euroradio that she cannot be a witness. However, Kanavalau’s parents refused to answer any questions and did not stay in the court room.

The father, Henadz Kanavalau, was summoned to the court room. The grey-haired man slowly approached the platform. Judge Fedartsou reminded him that he had the right to refuse to witness.
The principal’s father also used his right. He did not stay in court either and ascended the staircase. He looked back once to see the dock where his son who faced the death penalty was sitting.
"Where is the doctor? Come closer, please”, - asked Fedartsou before summoning Dzmitry Kanavalau’s mother – Lyudmila.

The woman with a bag and packet was evidently anxious and was trying not to look at the dock. Kanavalau did not express any emotions. He was looking at his mother frowningly. The latter could hardly control herself. She refused to give evidence and left quickly.
Then the break was announced. However, Dzmitry’s parents have already left the corridor.

They were driven away from the Law Courts in a car with tinted windows – a Euroradio reporter managed to take a picture of it with his cell phone.

As Euroradio has found out, Kavalyou’s mother tried to talk to Lyudmila Kanavalava during the investigation but she replied that her husband had forbidden her to contact anyone. She only said that she had not received a single letter from Dzmitry and that they had never been allowed to meet. She sends him parcels but she does not know if he receives them. She said that she did not believe that her son was guilty.

Uladzislau Kavalyou’s  mother has confessed to Euroradio that she tried talking to Kanavalau’s father to send warm clothes to Dzmitry. He did not allow her to enter and refused from the offered help.

"I rang the doorbell and the father descended. I told him that it was very cold in the court room and asked if he wanted to send warm clothes to Dzmitry. I was going to send warm clothes to Ulad on Wednesday, October 19. He replied that they would not allow other people to send anything to him and that he had asked the investigator to send him clothes and that he had done it but they had not been accepted. I asked: “Aren’t you interested in the results of the expertise?” He replied: “What will it change?”

Kanavalau’s parents also behaved in a strange way before. They did not contact anyone. When Dzmitry was arrested, Lyudmila Kanavalava was taken to hospital for a month because of  heart problems and her husband and Dzmitry’s bother were kept in Minsk.
A signaling system has been installed in Kanavalaus’ flat in Vitsebsk. The neighbours say that they are always being guarded and accompanied by someone.