Palazhanka: Give Dashkevich's passport back so we could get married!

The youngest girl-political prisoner has told an unusual love story.

Nasta Palazhanka, a 20-year-old Vice-Chairperson of the "Young Front", registered in the Czech Republic, has announced her future marriage with the Chairman of the same organization Zmitser Dashkevich. Let us remind you, Nasta was sentenced to probation after the last presidential election and spent several months in the KGB detention center. Dashkevich is now serving two years of imprisonment allegedly for attacking two passers-by. Nasta saw Zmitser only once for the last half a year - at his trial. This has become the main reason why they decided to get married now - as husband and wife, they will get a right for meetings. Their love story has lasted for ...7 years already!

Nasta Palazhanka: “I saw Zmitser for the first time in 2004, when he was just released from the Akrestsina Street detention center. And I remembered him like that - a 23-year-old youngster. Even now, in the letters, we joke that I often call him a boy, although he is an adult man who will turn 30 soon”.

Nasta sends Zmitser such touching photos to prison

It was right then when Nasta joined the "Young Front". Now she is a Vice-Chairperson, marrying the Chairman!

Nasta Palazhanka: “I think that I learned from Zmitser how to love and honour my own country, how to devote myself to the "Young Front". And then I realized that I also learned some vision of life from him. We became very close friends, we've been beside each other always. I realized that we were getting alike. We knew this should lead to something”.

Palazhanka says that she fell in love with not just a political leader, but an attractive man as well

Barricades united the couple: instead of presents, bouquets and seeing off they had police vans, hunger strikes and administrative detentions in Akrestsina.

Nasta Palazhanka“Naturally, our activity in the "Young Front" put us closer together, as we came through many challenges and hard times together. I was beside him when he was detained, brought parcels to him... When the first criminal case was started against him, I went on a hunger-strike hoping this might change something... There were times when the issue of life and death was raised, for example, when "unknown people" drove Zmitser to the forest... I think we’ve hardened our feelings in the situations when we could have lost each other…”

Zmitser's and Nasta's marriage is the case when both are "made of steel"

Zmitser proposed to Nasta in a letter. However, Palazhanka had to "fight for her happiness" in order to get this letter.

Nasta Palazhanka: “Zmitser writes to me practically every day. One day the letters just stopped, for a week and a half. I got worried, the lawyer asked Zmitser, the latter conformed he wrote as always... I revealed this information to the media. The next morning I found a whole bunch of letters in my post box - for the whole week. One of them contained proposal to marry him”.

Zmitser (to the right) helps Nasta to carry heavy bags

Zmitser and Nasta are sincere believers, they go to the Protestant Church. It is very important for them to wed in a church. However, it turned out that it is forbidden in the colony of Horki.

Nasta Palazhanka: “Naturally, Zmitser and I would like to wed with a priest, to confirm our feelings before the God, this is important for us. However, we've come across the situation that we cannot do it in prison - it is forbidden. I called, asked, tried to find out why it was such a big problem to bring a pastor to the colony. But they just told me - this is forbidden, only civil marriage. So we decided to wed with a priest after Zmitser is released”.

Zmitser Dashkevich in his early youth

Zmitser can be recognized here

Young Nasta Palazhanka

Nasta received many letters from Zmitser for 4 months

In spite of the declared wedding plans, Nasta is not sure about the exact date yet. This is because Dashkevich's passport got lost somewhere during all these detentions-trials-imprisonments…

Nasta Palazhanka“In Horki colony, weddings are organized only on each third Wednesday of the month. This month it's the 20th - Zmitser's 30th birthday. I was so eager to make him a present! However, it turned out that there was no passport in his file - it was lost either in court or in the KGB... I hope they will hear me on Euroradio - give Dashkevich's passport back! If they do it now, we'll manage to get married on July 20 - all the documents are ready, only his passport is missing!”

Dashkevich's photo on Nasta's table

Zmitser sent Nasta "edited" poem of Bahdanovich from prison