One more criminal case may be started against political prisoner Dashkevich

The administration of Hlybokaye colony #13 wants to start a criminal case "for not sticking to the colony's routine" against the political prisoner. The website of the Young Front informs about it referring to the prisoner's fiancée, Nasta Palazhanka, who has visited the colony this Tuesday.

She has found out that Dashkevich was thrown into the punishment cell for 13 days right after he had joined the group. A few more days were added to the prisoner's term in the punishment cell for some violations committed before.

Dashkevich has sent an appeal to the colony administration.  He writes that he is refusing to fulfill the administration's demands because he thinks that they are unlawful.

If Zmitser Dashkevich is returned guilty, one more year of imprisonment may be added to his term. Let us remind you that the guy was detained a day before the presidential election in December 2012 and imprisoned for 2 years.