New criminal case started against Zmitser Dashkevich (updated)

Dashkevich was imprisoned in a medium security colony for two years in March 2011 for an alleged beating of two Minsters. The politician is serving his sentence in Hlybokaye colony.

According to BelaPAN, the TV channel "Belarus 1" has informed about the new criminal case started against Dashkevich for "repeated disobedience to the colony administration" in this morning's programme "Zone X".

Dashkevich's fiancée Nasta Palazhanka says that she got to know about the possibility of one more criminal case during her visit to the colony on July 10. The documents were sent to Vitebsk Province Investigation Committee and it had to make a decision within 10 days.

Nasta Palazhanka said in an interview with Euroradio:

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"Of course, I'd like the people making such decisions to think whether they need it. Whether they need to spoil a certain person's life".

Zmitser Dashkevich will celebrate his birthday on July 20 (he will turn 31). Nasta Palazhanka and the lawyer will visit him in the colony.

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