Less water used, more money spent


Minskers used about 4.4 cubic meters of water per person before the introduction of the limit. The consumption has decreased by 5% since then! But people also pay more now.

“People used to spend 10 or even 30 cubic meters per month because they did not care - they paid for everything according to one tariff - 890 roubles per cubic metre. However, the limit costs 1400 roubles now and everything exceeding the limit costs 6600," says Minsk water authority.

Minskers have learnt to save water fast! Minsk water authority is satisfied but says that the Israeli use even less water!

“We have compared 10 months of this year with the same period of the last year and it has turned out that water consumption in Minsk has decreased by 5%! Every Minsker uses about  4.1 cubic meters of water per month. It is still too much! Europeans use 130 litres a day and the Israeli - 110 litres!"

However, Minsk payment centers say that people have just become more cunning:

“…they are trying not to exceed the norm to avoid paying more."

By the way, the water costs above the limit have increased 5 times this year - from 1440 to 6600. But who cares about the prime cost when we can save!

The limit water price has doubled this year: from 890 to 1440 roubles per cubic metre. Minskers cover 20 or 25% of the expenses now, the rest is provided by the state, Minsk water authority says. However, they do not know how the fact that Belarusians buy water above the limit at the prime cost has affected this number!

Still, payment centres can teach us to save water:

“I use little water when I wash the dishes and I use 6 litres instaed of 12 for my lavatory pan. And I explain to everyone how they can save water."