Minsk mayor failes to answer if he sticks to water and electricity norms

It was not easy to phone the head of Minsk City Executive Committee. They tried to stop me at the very beginning by saying that a lot of people were asking more serious questions:

“Over ten thousand people have already phoned us. People are asking serious questions! There are invalids among them!"

But I insisted and said that my question was important for the society. They added me on the queue and I was connected with the Mayor of Minsk 20 minutes later.

Tamara Savich: Are the water and electricity norms enough for you, can you stick to them? This issue is being discussed a lot nowadays...

Mikalai Ladutska: "Yes, and what is your second question?"

Tamara Savich: Will the norms change?

Mikalai Ladutska: "The decision was taken by the government. There have been no other decisions. The government took our citizens capabilities and interests into account. Little has changed for families of 3 or 4."

Mikalai Ladustka kept urging me to be thrifty during our 2-minute conversation.

Mikalai Ladutska: "The issue is aimed at drawing our citizens attention to the necessity of saving. It does not mean that we should not use electricity or water. We need water, electricity and central heating in out flats, but we should be thrifty."

Tamara Savich: So, can you stick to these norms?

Mikalai Ladutska: "I have answered this question... You asked me and I replied."

Tamara Savich: But I have not heard your answer so far.

Mikalai Ladutska: "Thank you for your question."