Journalist Andrzej Pochobut detained in Hrodna

Andrzej Pochobut's wife has informed Euroradio that a new criminal case has been started against the journalist.

“But the search was conducted by the same investigator who was in charge of the previous case. The article is also the same - insult of the President [article 368 of the Criminal Code. - Euroradio]. But it is the second part of the article which is applied to people with previous convictions. It is not connected with Gazeta Wyborcza, Andrzej is persecuted for publications on the website of "Charter'97" and "Belarusian Partisan" - for his articles about the death penalty and Kavalyou", - said Aksana Pochobut to Euroradio.

The journalist was detained for an interrogation after the  search. Aksana Pochobut rememebers the moment when her husband was taken away from home for an interrogation. Andrzej Pochobut returned home only after 4 months in jail.