“Humanism and justice”: Lukashenka presents 571 millions to dairy factory

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Alyaksandr Lukashenka decided to lift administartive charges from 25 enterprises and private entrepreneurs together with releasing political prisoners on August 11. Orsha Dairy Factory was among them. Euroradio has tried to find out how the ODF managed to be added on “the gift list” and what fine it was exempt from by the state leader.

“571 millions!” — this is how much the amnesty “principles of humanism and justice” cost to the state budget in the case of Orsha Dairy Factory. The deputy director of the ODF responsible for economy and finance, Svyatlana Zhurauskaya, mentioned the number in an interview with Euroradio.

The fine was imposed by the State Control Committee after a check-up of the enterprise’s foreign trade contracts.

“We had dishonest partners, - continued Svyatlana Zhurauskaya.  – They seemed to be well-established businesses at first. They bought our products with front money and paid regularly. There were 14 supplies within a year and everything was all right”.

The Russian partners made them sure of their reliability and asked to reconsider the trade terms later. They said that they wanted butter in the morning and would pay for it in the evening.

Svyatlana Zhurauskaya: “We sent them our butter. And they did not pay for it. As a result, we have not received money from two enterprises so far. At the same time, we have been fined for violating the rules of foreign trade”.

Thus, the ODF suffered double losses. However, justice has won. Or it is winning. Officers of the court are busy making the Russian entrepreneurs pay now. And Alyaksandr Lukashenka has cancelled the fine imposed by the State Control Committee.