Fyaduta: It is distressing to be the only speaker in the cell

Fyaduta: “This is a relative release. The real release will be after the trial, if at all… But I do think that I am a bit free”.

Euroradio: A new wave of “releases” has started – Anatol Lyabedzka and you have been released. How do you think, what is it connected with?

Fyaduta: “I would not like present any political evaluation, to make conclusions, because I do not know about anything that happened here in the past few months. I still hope that our government has some common sense and that it can overwhelm the lust for vengeance. I hope that the power that supports negotiations with the West will win. I do not know what is going on in reality”.

Euroradio: Ales Mіhalevіch was also released on recognizance. Can the authorities give a chance to flee?

Fyaduta: “In the first place, I am not going to leave the country. I have the same rights for this country as any other Belarusian citizen does. Secondly, Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu is still under house arrest. I understand that if members of his election team try to flee now it will be an indirect indication of his guilt. That is why we have disused it with Andrei Dzmitryyeu. Neither us not Mr.Vaznyak (I hope so) are going to leave before the trial. And the court will decide what will happen after the trial…”.

Euroradio: What has impressed you most at liberty?

Fyaduta: “The signatures in my support and in support of the other prisoners of the square. Many outstanding philosophers, cultural workers from Russia, Ukraine and the other neighbouring states signed those open letters. Belarusians indicated their places of employment and studies, their real names and it only means that people are not scared, people are not scared of the persecution! You cannot let the signees down, you cannot betray them”.

Euroradio: Your wife sent you a lot of books. Did you manage to read them, and have you written much?

Fyaduta: “I did not manage to read a lot there. But I have written a lot. The first sentence in the book will be “You cannot escape from KGB detention but I did – I fled to Hrodna”. I really tried to flee to my most pleasant recollections. I left Hrodna 20 years ago and I decided to write my memoirs of youth in KGB prison. My first reader was my investigator and my wife was the second reader. Both of them said that the recollections were so bright that it was interesting to read them”.