First detainee for picket in support of Dashkevich released

Horki district court punished the youngster on August 2 for participation in an action of solidarity with the "Young FRont" leader Zmitser Dashkevich. Raman and about 40 youth activists demanded that the colony's administration should organize a meeting between the political prisoner and his lawyer. The youth held a picket, but the police dispersed it and arrested 15 protesters.

At present, 8 more activists are in custody in the detention center in Drybin. Four of them are girls - Hanna Sharuba, Julia Mikhailava, independent journalist Tatsiana Shaputska and Nasta Palazhanka. Maksim Siamionau is in custody in the detention center in Horki. All of them are detained for different terms. Three participants of the picket are expecting trials as they have demanded a lawyer, “Radio Liberty” informs.