Finkevich and Pashkevich not registered as candidates for MPs

The district commission refers to a certificate issued by the forensic expert, who confirmed that the signatures were not valid. However, Syarhei Kalyakin refutes this conclusion.

Finkevich filed 1069 signatures in total to the district commission. 48 signatures were rejected because "There wasn’t complete information about the candidate in three signature sheets," - said the chairman of the district commission. However, she could not show the sheets and confirm her words.

Lidziya Yarmoshyna suggested not to discuss the matter, and proceed to the consideration of invalid signatures. The CEC considered the fact that the signatures were invalid, confirmed. So they voted against the registration of Artur Finkevich.

Mikhail Pashkevich from "Tell the Truth" had absolutely identical problems with the signatures. He ran in the Kupala electoral district No. 95. 62 of his signatures were considered invalid, which makes 17.7% of the number of signatures verified by the district commission. The same experts of the Leninsky district police department made the conclusion.

"This can be entered into the Guinness Book of Records, - sarcastically remarked Syarhei Kalyakin, the CEC member with an advisory capacity, the Chairman of the Belarusian Left Party" Fair World ". - It is obvious that the rules of electoral law are used formally, to refuse to register as candidates those who do not support the current government. "

Mikhail Pashkevich collected 35 confirmations from voters that people had indeed set the date and the signature in his signature sheets personally. Besides, these people refused to give any written information to the district commission.

Pashkevich was also denied registration as a candidate.