Cheap food, drinks a major election attraction

“Vodka should not be sold in schools. Everyone will become addicted," Andrei, a 25-yera-old guy in sportswear, grabbed my microphone.


“Vodka should not be sold in schools. Everyone will become addicted," Andrei, a 25-yera-old guy in sportswear, grabbed my microphone.

I headed for the refreshment room together with Andrei and his friends. We found a table in the hall of Minsk school #206.

“I have to work until 8 p.m. today," complained the saleswoman.

The costs are fine but not much lower than in shops. "Why should it be cheaper?" she wondered.

However, a bottle of cognac cost me only 74 thousands compared to 99 thousands in a shop. I headed for two young people with the bottle. I put my cognac near their bottle of vodka and the conversation began.

This is the secret of journalists' success!

“What can change in our country? Everything will remain as it is," said one of the guys.


“I did not vote during the presidential election but the President was elected anyway. I see no sense in taking part in elections," continued his friend.


I approached an elderly man, his son and granddaughter. The adults had vodka in plastic cups.

“People are choosing their future! We will live the way we elect!" said the pensioner. And then he added: "But nothing depends on me!"


I headed for another "couple". Empty plastic cups helped me guess that they were good interlocutors:

“Why have I come here? I have come to eat, drink and talk to my friend, that's it," said one of the men. To tell the truth, he wanted to ask the future MP a few things:


“Why does a three-room flat cost 53 thousand euro in Berlin and 75 thousands in Minsk? Why do they make 10 times more money in Berlin and have cheaper flats?"




There is hardly any cognac left. Time to go back to the editorial office and tell the whole world how people vote in Yaseninskaya constituency #100 in Malinauka, Minsk, planet Earth.