“100% interest rate for credits with no warrantors required!"


“We charge 30 thousands for looking through the documents, 50 thousands - for the contract of guarantee and 65 thousands - for the pledge. The commissions are only charged once..." "Belagroprombank" said. However, these commissions will be cancelled tomorrow and only the full interest rate will remain.

“Our bank has the right to change your interest rate. We will sign an additional contract with you - it may be an extra 3%. If you disagree, you will have to disburse the loan at once."

"Alfa-Bank" and "Belarusian Peoples Bank" did not explain how interest rates were going to change. They only told Euroradio that an increase was inevitable.

"All the hidden payments will be cancelled and interest rates will increase!"

A girl from "Belrosbank" has offered us a quick credit with the interest rate of 24% and even mentioned a 3.5% monthly commission. It means that you will have to pay the bank 15 million roubles instead of 10 due to commissions, insurance and other payments.

“The interest rate will increase to 100% for credits requiring no warrantors or income certificate."

Commissions will be cancelled but the disbursement of loans will not change. The commission will simply become part of the interest rate. Interestingly, the bank can already give credits without any commissions. The overpayment is twice lower.

“Priorbank” has introduced new interest rates a day earlier.  

“We introduced new interest rates on January 21. The nominal interest rate is equal to the full interest rate now."

The banks admit that nothing will change for ordinary clients - the scheme of reimbursement of loans will change.

Commissions will simply be included in interest rates.

Economist Leanid Zlotnikau says that the refusal from commission is an attempt of fair play.

It used to be like this: a person came to a shop, raised a credit and they said - 30-40%. And people agreed without understanding what the real sum was and they had problems with reimbursement. There were a lot of bad credits. But if people get all the needed information, they will raise fewer credits. There will be more fair play."

By the way, the survey "Which credit would you like to raise?" has revealed that most Minskers  prefer ... a 100% interest rate to 24%+commissions.

"100% without any commissions";

"No commissions;

"What is a commission?";

"But how shall I pay the 100%!";

"Credits are tricky! They deceive people and never inform them about the real situation."