Pyotr Mamonov plays "sexual concert" in Minsk (photo, video)

120620 Malina Mamonov.mp3

A long queue at the entrance to the club Re:Public - a rather rare occasion, but always a pleasant one. It is even worth it to stand there for a while listening to conversations in anticipation of an outstanding concert. 

"I wonder whether he is alone or with a band, - a dialogue nearby starts, - Most likely, alone. - Мmm... that's a pity! I don't think it will be great..." The last words cause angry looks from all directions, like, you don't understand anything about his creativity, saying stuff like that.


Mamonov's wife accompanies him at every concert. The musician jokes "I am the priest, she is the deacon". She sold CDs and books near the stage. How difficult it was to count our dozens thousands!


Famous musician and actor Pyotr Mamonov visited Minsk on June 19 with a program "Pyotr Nikolaevich from Entrance #3". He conducted a meeting with the Belarusian journalists the day before the concert and turned it into an hour and a half religious lecture. However, it was an easy and interesting one, father-like, without any "stardom".




"I started believing in God at 45, and began to struggle against my passions, - Pyotr Mamonov speaks about the opinion that his role in the movie "Island" was the best in his entire career. - The God probably saw that I was trying hard and gave me this movie. He gathered us together and we made friends, lived, talked, did our best, cried, prayed, there were different things. And it turned into a great movie! I know that 41% of Russia's population watched it, this means, people lack such things, as a human being is a spiritual creature".



After such a pacifying conversation it was very complicated to imagine Mamonov on stage, moreover, in the image which is remembered and adored since the middle 80s.


"It will be like "oh, yeah" at the concert! - the musician warned the day before. - There will be rock music, rythms, funk, stuff like this. "Shuba-duba-blues", old songs, new songs. Everything has been rehearsed, the legs work, the head works... We will wear silk coats and switch on the lights...".



Indeed, nothing has changed! Pyotr Nikolaevich still practices moon walking around the stage, jumps by the microphone with the guitar, makes faces and, naturally, fills the audience with his positive energy. However, not everyone stayed there till the end of the concert. 


"It seemed to me that everything was clear after the sixth song, - says young singer Palina Respublika who came to the concert accidentally, upon somebody's invitation, and used to know Mamonov only as an actor. - I cannot say that I liked it. I though a lot about this yeaterday and coundn't understand whether I just saw nothing special about this or I understood nothing. Anyway, I could not find an internal consensus. The only thing I regret is that I didn't manage to buy a book of his poetry, it would be very interesting for me to read it".



Numerous representatives of the Belarusian rock community, who visited Mamonov's concert, did not hang out together, surprisingly enough. They spread around the club, having occupied the best positions, and closely watched every move of the St. Petersburg singer, drinking beer, cola, or just standing there with empty hands.


Organizer of Minsk concerts Pavel Kashyryn passed by and whispered "This is a very sexual concert! I guess it's impossible to give a better estimation!"



"We are making a new program, - Pyotr Mamonov suddenly starts talking to the audience after an hour spent on stage. - I can show you several songs from it, they are absolutely new, no one heard them before. The whole program will be called "Uncle Pyotr and Hares". The songs are about what happened in the real life, they are so..lyrical..about usually."

The leader of "Zvuki Mu" band performed four songs from the new program. Before singing the fourth one, Pyotr Nikolaevich confessed that it was "raw", almost unrehearsed. However, he liked the atmosphere in the club so much that he wanted to play it although it might be a bit incorrect.


Of course, Re:Public screamed, reacted to every word in the lyrics, and after the musician had left they tried to make him come out for the third curtain call. Mamonov appeared in 15 minutes, but only to give some authographs.