Political scientist: Presidential candidates will not be released this year

Euroradio: There is an opinion that release of political prisoners by groups is a demonstrative step for the EU - European officials should swallow the bait and make certain concessions in the relations with Belarus, and revive the dialogue. Do you think such step of the Belarusian leader will have any consequences and will make Europe more tolerant towards the Belarusian authorities?

Jury Chavusau: "Release of political prisoners by groups is the victory of the approach which was principally chosen by the European structures, in the first place, by Brussels and the governments of the European capitals, when they decided not to negotiate on release of political prisoners, not to get involved in the political prisoners trade, but to set the issue of political prisoners release as the only condition for return to the policy of dialogue with the Belarusian regime. The Belarusian regime wanted to trade, but its goods turned out to be illiquid".

Euroradio: When all political prisoners are released, will the EU demand some other changes, or reforms, to start dialogue with the regime? 

Jury Chavusau: "There is a list of demands apart from political prisoners’ release, set by the EU — these are abolishment of the Article 193.1 which punishes for the activity on behalf of unregistered organizations; registration of political organizations - all these demands are set as a subject for the dialogue. Release of political prisoners makes such dialogue possible. I think that after release of people, who used to be presidential candidates, after release of victims of provocations like Dashkevich and Lobau, after release of Ales Byalyatski, a dialogue on some other issues will become possible and the EU will go for it".

Euroradio: When do you think the last political prisoner will leave prison?

Jury Chavusau: "I think that release of these 11 is the last step. Presidential candidates, if they are not in the list of these 11, will be released much later. I think this will happen next year".